In September 2017, Microsoft announced SharePoint 2019, the latest iteration of their collaboration and information management software, would be available in the second half of 2018. Many organizations have begun looking forward to then, making their plans for when and how to migrate to the new version. While there are many options, we’ve listed three […]
SharePoint has a Managed Metadata Service which is one of the biggest draws for using the service. For those unfamiliar with it, Managed Metadata Service allows administrators to establish a universal set of terms and categories that can be used for everything from tagging documents to setting your navigation. But many users run into roadblocks […]
SharePoint Migration shouldn’t be as complicated as you may think even though different SharePoint versions can be filled with unexpected challenges and issues. And with Microsoft releasing SharePoint 2019, the latest iteration, in the latter half of 2018, it’s time to revisit some of those issues. Our SharePoint migration team came up with our top […]
With the newest iteration of Microsoft SharePoint 2019 coming in the latter half of 2018, many companies are starting to put together their plans for the future. While we’re still waiting to see exactly what new features and functionalities will be offered, there are some things every business can do to get ready. Below, we’ve […]
Utilizing people picker in SharePoint Designer 2013 is oftentimes underrated. One of the great native integrations SharePoint has is with Outlook and Active Directory. The ability to connect SharePoint tasks and workflows with a user ID has helped many-a business manage workload more efficiently. Today, we’ll share some tips for how to set the people […]
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 is the newest iteration of the software, and will be released sometime in the second half of 2018. Although Microsoft hasn’t released all the details yet, it’s good for organizations to start looking at their existing systems and make a plan to migrate. Today’s we’ve got some good tips to help […]
Microsoft SharePoint is one of the industry’s best content management solutions. But finding the right SharePoint consultant to help you navigate all the ins and outs can be difficult. You have to know what to look for, how to communicate your requirements, and, most importantly, how to justify the expense. Knowing how to hire a […]
Microsoft Access
Hiring a software consulting firm can be one of the smartest investments a company can make. You’ll not only get the benefit of expertise and knowledge, but you’ll be able to work with the company to develop solutions to fit your needs. Working with an IT consulting firm like eSoftware can be rewarding, Requirements are […]
Save money – the two keywords that every businessman/woman wants to hear. One way businesses can save money is the idea of Content Management. Content Management is exactly what it sounds like: procedures and automation designed to help businesses and other organizations manage their content more effectively. A content management system (CMS) can be as […]